I’ve done the long ride to Malacca previously on few occasions.
This time I decide to take a even longer route, via the east coast of Johor!

And this is one of the interesting detour I found while zooming the Google map.
A nice short day ride…

I was early, as I always do.
The GPS directed me to the entrance which was a guarded complex, and swarm of people are reporting in for their work day.
I decided to detour to Kong Kong jetty to wait for the sunrise.
While heading back and almost giving up.
I notice a dirt path by the side of the complex, and decide to take my change.
and the rest of this short ride is a peaceful tarmac surfing…

at the end of the road and riding through the quiet plantation you will reach the the meeting point of Sungai Layang and Sungai Johor.

Credit to the Honda Phantom 200 chap in SBF who provide the lead on an old thread.
(of which i could no longer locate the link)
I’m merely retracing and re-sharing his exploration route.

Leaving Sungai Layang by taking the north route, you notice few gated small trial. try your luck and you may end up in a private beach like this.

From here onwards you may find more off road tracks or riding within the plantation.
You will pass through a private estate of, i assume the plantation worker’s dormitory.
Some passage are gated, so enter with caution.
I was lucky a employee noticed me passing by their dorms and he followed me on his kup to unlock the gate for me.
For you GPS freak… Google Map Link