This year 2019 will mark my tenth year of discovering the bliss of riding. What started as a distraction to my existiential crisis, metamorphose into an appetite for exploration and expedition to extend the horizon.
To relive those moments. I went back to my album, sorting through the photos. The clicking process transpire into an idea to publish them into books. I have no prior experience in publication. So in order to gain one, I decided to publish my first book in digital format. And the end result is this…
Glimpse from the Saddle – In Retrospect : The First Ten Years.

When we are riding. Cautiously we have to keep our eyes on the road ahead, and often we could only take a glimpse of the views surrounding us. Till we make a stop. Hence it is the very reason I am never excited to ride on any expressway. Seeking a spot to stop, even for a while, ofttimes can be rewarding.

This book contains just a pinch of snaps from my ride from 2009-2019. With rides mostly featured in this website and instagram, but also some photos that I re-discovered and previously unpublished. By itself speaks their own stories.
I hope you will enjoy and be inspired.

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Coming Up Next!

My next work is to publish my next book in print. It may be in trade book sized – small enough for the coffee table and easy reading for casual browsing.
Similarly there will mostly be photos of the people, their culture of the places for each book. Minus the narcissism, it is not about me. It is always about the journey and their stories.
There will be enough content not just to inspire me yet again but the reader too. Hope it does enough to excite them to ride their own story…
Enjoy the flip!
Ride Your Story