When I am on a three weeks journey into India part of Himalaya. I have plenty of time in my hand, even more time away from your phone and action camera or drone, and more so from the Polaroid.
What can I do to pen my journey ? Not on my journal or sketch book but on a blank canvas, any canvas that I may find that I may be equipping.
Maybe a plain white helmet will do just fine…
With two permanent marker, one thick and another thin, a pair of eye for symbol, motif and inspiration for the daily journey across Pangi Valley – Dharamshala – Spiti Valley.
Sketching of memory and moment of what you saw gives you an intimate detail with the subject. That required focus to pen the subject is a meditative time spend. Evident in the drawing, where obvious where lines are not consistent. That is when the mind swayed and is lost,
At the end of the journey, this is the end result.
Still a lot of blank spaces to fill, well maybe next time.
I know I’ll be back…